Documentation as artistic practice
Documentation processes are acts of taking perspective, taking decisions on how the information is captured, filtered, edited and adapted. moving thinking capture explores at the intersection of physicality and the written word. These texts perform creative ideas and thoughts articulated in the choreographic work and can be used to stimulate further innovative practices and processes.
moving thinking capture is a choreographic toolbox composed of outputs from the choreographic process of Waiting for the the barbarians by choreographer Iván Pérez and dancers.
The project was made possible thanks to the Hessische Theaterakademie, Korzo Theatre and Toneelschuur Producties Haarlem.
Iván Pérez | A Choreographic Toolbox by Hannah Shakti Buhler has happened thanks to the Hessische Theater Academy, Korzo and Toneelschuur productions. Toolbox graphic design by Rutger Zuydervelt.